



Deerfield Post 738
What is a Veteran?
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States Of America" for an amount of "Up to and including his life."
That is Honor, and there are to many people in this Country today, who no longer understand that fact.

Click on the link below to hear Al Zelent and Stan  Rundell recount their War experience.


Click on the link below to view the Video of the Saga of the CVL-23 Princeton.
The Ship that Al Zelent served on.



What is the Veterans Care Program?

Veterans Care Program is a new program designed to provide comprehensive,
affordable healthcare to Illinois' uninsured veterans. This year, we will launch
a pilot program for the Veterans Care Program that will cover those veterans who
have the least access to reliable healthcare. These are the veterans who cannot
currently access Veterans Health Administration's benefits and who meet specific
income requirements.

The American Legion is an organization dedicated to
God and country,
One of the best ways is to preform this service is to
take active interest in the preparation of our youth
so they will become patriotic, freedom preserving
citizens. It is in this interest that the school
awards program was born and maintained on a national
The school award program is designed to place emphasis
on the development of the qualities of courage, honor,
leadership, patriotism, scholarship and service.
Promoting the development of these qualities
encourages young people to live as outstanding
examples of good citizens.
The school award program with medals and certificates,
recognizes two outstanding students one boy and one
girl of the  graduating class.

Please let me know what you think about the web site and if you have any suggestions please let me know.

You can e-mail me at dfldpost738@gmail.com or jpc635@aol.com

Subject: Web Site

Thank you,
John P. Coughenour
Past Commander